Monday, September 28, 2009

cha cha cha

Ugh. I'm watching Dancing with the Stars. The only people I know that watch this are old women. How did I get lured in.

I turn 27 in a few weeks. I'm a mom to a 7 week old little girl. I've been married for 3 1/2 years. I feel old. Real old. Watching Dancing with the stars doesn't help the situation.

Since I never posted anything about the birth day of my little a short and sweet version......went in to the ER at 9am and had her by 9:23pm. I will say scared as I was up to the point of D Day of a watermelon out of a pea sized hole.....something came over me that day. Call it maternal instincts or whatever, but I was incredibly calm and collected. I'm not a calm person under stressful situations. But somehow I managed to be that entire day. Crazy how things always work out.

I'm adjusting a little more every day. There are good days and bad days, but perfection doesn't exist, so i take the good with the bad and realize that at some point during that day, I will be able to lay down, close my eyes, and fall asleep. on the good days, I never want them to end. I love the days I can sit with my little girl and watch her smile and coo for minutes....I'd be fooling myself if I said hours. I love watching her fall asleep in my arms. I also love when she falls asleep at night so i can go to bed. :) I love my sleep too.

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